As a sales professional in today’s field it is important to remember that closing a sale is not always a swift and easy process. Even the most talented sales professionals often face hurdles that can prevent them from finding the success that they are looking for. These hurdles most commonly come in the forms of sales objections. It is important that you remember that sales objections can happen to the most talented and most prepared sales experts and that you need to be able to overcome these objections in order to find the success that you are looking for and to close the sale.
Step One: Anticipate the Objections First
Before you even try to close the sale make sure that you prepare yourself by anticipating the objections that can come up when trying to close. For every point that you make you will want to make sure that you come up with what a possible counter or objection to that point could be; even if this is not how you individually would approach the subject.
Step Two: Create Objection Answers
After you have anticipated the possible objections sit down and brainstorm effective solutions to those objections. This way if the objection comes up in your presentation you can turn to your notes and sat ‘i’m glad you brought that up’ and provide your leads with a potential solution to the issue that they brought up in the first place. This is a great way for you to show the prospects that the products or services they are purchasing are worth the price.
Step Three: Do Your Homework
Make sure that you do your homework and know your prospective client. Look at their history and everything you know about them to pick out what concerns or objections they may have. From there you can begin practicing in role play scenarios so you can practice actually handling the objections during your presentation. Make sure you know your product or service inside and out as well so you can provide your client with useful information while clearing the objections.
Step Four: Enter the Presentation With the Right Attitude
You should always go into a presentation expecting that you will get a number of objections and realizing that it is OK. Try to stay optimistic and keep in mind that these objections are not being brought up because of anything that you did so you will not want to take these objections personal.
Step Five: Remove Objections One-By-One Calmly
While staying calm, address each objection individually and make sure that you take the time to address each concern as an individual problem and rationally ease the concerns of your prospect so they feel comfortable about turning to your product or service.
If you are looking for more information on the 5 step process to overcoming sales objections then meet the professionals at The Sales Coaching Institute for sales training consulting. They will help you become more productive and develop a winning business strategy.