5 Reasons Californians Should Hire an SSDI Attorney in Stockton

by | Jun 25, 2021 | Lawyers

Anyone who decides to pursue a Social Security disability insurance claim needs to hire legal assistance. Many people are on the fence about hiring an attorney, but there are many reasons to do seek help. Below are five ways that a SSDI attorney in Stockton helps people move through the determination process faster.

Claim Preparation

Lawyers help their clients file the initial paperwork to make an SSDI claim. Including important documentation not only increases the chances of one being approved, but it maximizes the amount of money they get for their disability.


The majority of people who apply for SSDI get denied, which means they have to go through the appeals process. Hiring an attorney from the beginning gives them a head start preparing for the appeals process. Appeals have strict deadlines that good attorneys are aware of and make sure their clients never miss them.

Evidence Management

To be awarded benefits, claimants must have sufficient medical evidence. This includes medical records and hospitalization records. Attorneys communicate with medical staff to get the documents needed to support one’s claim that their physical or mental impairments qualifies them for SSD.

Hearing Representation

Once the appeals process is underway, there will be a hearing date set. It’s at this hearing that a somewhat final determination is made (read more below). Applicants should always have an attorney present to represent their best interests during the proceedings.

Legal Analysis

Some cases aren’t finalized in the lower courts and some move on to higher federal courts. At this stage, the process gets more and more complicated and requires legal expertise such as analysis and brief writing.

To get started, contact an SSDI attorney in Stockton at Pena & Bromberg online.

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