5 Steps to Success for Salt Water Swimming Pool Maintenance in Fayetteville GA

by | Jun 4, 2020 | Swimming Pool

Salt water pools are gaining popularity recently among enthusiasts. Instead of dumping huge amounts of chlorine on the water, salt water pools use electrolysis to break down the salt present in the water into chlorine and sodium. The chlorine that disinfects the water and combines with sodium again to make salt, then the process begins again. This system ensures that only a small amount of chlorine is present on the water, but at a constant rate. Normal chlorine treatment needs that much chlorine be used just to make sure the water will have enough of it for a long time.

Salt water pool needs maintenance too, but definitely not as much as a chlorine treated pool. Pool owners should remember that even though the system is reliable, it still needs their attention. Here are several tips on how a salt-water pool owner can keep his property running smoothly and without glitch.

Watch your salt

Salt water swimming pool, as the name suggests, depends on salt for it to be effective. The minimum amount of salt be maintained or else they will not be able to produce enough chlorine. The ideal concentration of salt in the water is 2500 – 4500 ppm. There are tools that owners can use to watch salt from their pool; it may even be a part of the package. Testing the salt level should be done weekly.

Check your stabilizer

Cyanuric acid, also known in this case as stabilizer, protects the chlorine from solar heat. Without it, chlorine will easily dissipate, leaving your pool unprotected. Also, remember that the system depends on the chlorine combining with sodium atoms to become salt again. If chlorine dissipates without combining with sodium, the whole cycle breaks down and salt may need to be added to the water again to jump-start the process. This should be done weekly or as necessary.

pH Level

Chlorine’s water cleaning ability depends on the proper water acidity. It is, therefore, necessary to keep water pH to the ideal range of 7.2-7.8. This is important so a pool owner should do this test weekly. Failing to test the acidity of the water could cause the bloom of algae and infestation of bacteria since the efficiency of chlorine as a disinfectant may not be maximized.

Check salt chlorinator cell regularly

It is the heart of the system so pool owners should make sure that their salt cells are free from nasty, calcium buildup. Checking this part of the system weekly is necessary because calcium buildup can be easily resolved at earlier stages.

Run time

While it is true that short run time of the filtration saves money, it will also risk the pool to be infested with algae and bacteria. The only source of the chlorines in salt swimming pools is the chlorine generator, thus, cutting the filtration time would leave the pool unprotected. Salt swimming pool maintenance in Fayetteville GA is necessary. Failing to do this step might cause the pool owner to spend more money and more time in getting his system fixed. It’s always best to remember that maintenance is always better than repair.

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