Cosmetic Dentistry In Lincoln Park Chicago IL Services Offered

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Dentistry

Many people with a healthy mouth want to make their smile as pretty as possible. They brush, they floss, and they rinse on a daily basis, and now they want to take measures to improve the look of their smile, thankfully Cosmetic Dentistry in Lincoln Park Chicago IL is available. A person can go for a day of shopping and head to the dentist when it is time for their appointment. It is a great location in a great area, with an assortment of services that can give you an amazing smile and a new look.

Many people are unaware what kinds of dental services fall into the cosmetic category. It is really any service that isn’t required for medical reasons. Basic dentist services are cleanings, root canals, bridges and such. Cosmetic dental services are Invisalign, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, white fillings, and smile makeovers.

People with really healthy teeth can still have crooked teeth. They can be shy about their smile. One way to help people with a healthy mouth gain confidence regarding the alignment of their teeth is with Invisalign. This product is known as the clear braces. In the past people could see braces because they were bright shiny metal. The invisible braces cannot be seen by the naked eye. They straighten teeth just like the traditional kind. A patient will usually wear them between nine and fifteen months straight. They are taken out when a person eats so that they do not become discolored, and are worn twenty to twenty-two hours each day. Despite being clear and less noticeable, the cost is equivalent to traditional braces.

If you or a loved one just aren’t confident with their teeth, even though they are otherwise healthy, consider cosmetic dentistry. Have those metal fillings replaced with white ones, those noticeable braces replaced with clear ones, or get a complete smile makeover. Many people flock to these places for the teeth whitening services, which can make a person look younger by taking years worth of coffee, tea, and soda stains off of their teeth. To know more about Cosmetic Dentistry in Lincoln Park Chicago IL visit DiPilla Robert, DDS.

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