You’ve decided that it’s time to straighten your crooked teeth. What’s the best type of treatment to use? Although traditional metal braces might be the first method that comes to mind, there are good reasons to opt for Invisalign instead.
Invisalign Doesn’t Require You to Change Your Diet
When you get traditional braces, you can’t eat popcorn or chew gum. Invisalign doesn’t require such restrictions. Since you take the trays out when eating, you can enjoy your favorite foods without worrying that you’ll mess up your orthodontic treatment.
Teeth and Adjusters Are Easy to Clean
While metal braces are tricky to clean around and between, Invisalign doesn’t present such challenges. You can take the aligners out of your mouth to clean them thoroughly, and you can brush and floss as usual.
Clear Aligners Blend in with Your Appearance
Unlike metal braces, clear Invisalign trays aren’t the first thing that people will notice when you smile. You won’t feel self-conscious about your appearance while wearing your adjusters. Plus, since they are removable you can leave them at home for a few hours during special events.
Invisalign Treatment Produces Results Quickly
Invisalign for Elmhurst residents often adjusts teeth quickly. In fact, some people achieve full results in as little as six months or one year.
Treatment Works for a Variety of Orthodontic Conditions
Whether your tooth problems are straightforward or complex, Invisalign may be able to help. You shouldn’t assume that Invisalign won’t work for you just because your bite needs a lot of adjustment. Experienced orthodontists can help the majority of patients benefit from Invisalign treatment.
To learn more about whether you’re a candidate for Invisalign in Elmhurst, contact our team at Oakbrook Orthodontics.