Injuries to the Neck and Spine are Common

by | Jun 6, 2013 | Health Care

It has been estimated that between four and five million people per year in the United States alone will suffer from spinal and neck injuries. These injuries can range from very mild to life threatening. There are many causes of this type of injury. One of the most common causes of of serious Spine And Neck Injuries Montgomery is the automobile accident. It is more common for males to suffer from this type of injury. Anyone can hurt their neck or spine, but the average ages for people who have seriously injured their neck and spine areas tend to range from the age of sixteen to thirty.

Other common types of accidents that can cause Spine And Neck Injuries Montgomery include falling, landing on the head, accidents while diving into a pool or shallow body of water, and injuries that have resulted from stabbing or a bullet. Sometimes, people who have received an electrical shock may sustain an injury to their neck or spine areas. These types of injuries can often cause paralysis or even death of the individual.

If a person is suspected to have Spine And Neck Injuries Montgomery, it is important not to move the person. The neck or head should remain in the same position that it was in while it was injured. The person should be kept quiet and should not be allowed to try to get up or walk around. If the person has stopped breathing and it has been determined that CPR should be administered, it is very important to avoid tilting the head back. Only highly trained medical personnel should move or transport the injured person.

There are steps that people can take in order to to avoid these types of injuries. When riding in a car, it is important to make sure that you wear your seatbelt. Often, neck and spine injuries are caused when drivers or passengers are not wearing a seatbelt during a rollover accident. This problem can easily be avoided by buckling up every time. Swimmers need to make sure that the body of water that they are getting ready to dive into is deep enough. If they do not know the depth of the water, they should avoid diving in head first. Finally, no one should push into or tackle another person using their head. With a bit of extra thought and care, these injuries can often be avoided.

To know more about common neck and spine injuries, click here.


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