3 Household Emergencies That Require the Expertise of a Waxhaw Plumber

by | Dec 18, 2023 | Plumbing

There are many plumbing problems that you can resolve by yourself, but it’s important to know which situations require the expertise of a professional. Plumbers in Waxhaw, NC have specialized tools and equipment that they use to provide more effective solutions to common plumbing situations. Knowing to call a professional in these situations can help you avoid costlier and more devastating damages.

Backed-Up Sewers

If a backed-up sewer isn’t identified and cleared early enough, it will continue to worsen. While this type of problem starts slow with gurgling noises or pooling water near bathroom fixtures, it can ultimately lead to sewage overflowing from your toilet and sink drains. As soon as you suspect a blocked sewer line, contact a plumber.

Burst Plumbing Pipes

A plumbing pipe will usually burst in the winter as the water in the pipes freezes. However, you can experience a burst pipe any time of the year if your plumbing system is old or the pipes are corroded. If you see a burst pipe or suspect this problem due to water damage and high water usage bills, call a plumber immediately. In the meantime, shut off the main water supply valve in your home.

Water Heater Problems

If you can’t get hot water from your faucets, the pilot light might have been extinguished. If you light the pilot and you still can’t get hot water, contact plumbers in Waxhaw, NC. A professional can determine if the loss of hot water is the result of an electrical problem, gas leak, or another issue.

Even if you’re not sure that you need a plumber’s help, it’s better to call rather than waiting for the problem to worsen.

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