Customizing Residential Landscape Design In Santa Cruz CA To Convey One’s Own Personal Style

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Landscaping

Many residential property owners want to convey their own personal style when they create a plan for residential landscape design in Santa Cruz CA. They count on professional landscapers to bring that plan to life so they can enjoy the results. The plan can include a variety of plants along with landscaping like a brick patio and paths through gardens.

This may a residential lot that has no improvements yet, with the newly constructed house standing there alone. In contrast, this may be a lot that the owners want totally renovated, with nearly all the existing plants and hardscaping to be removed. Now they can start from scratch.

Specifics, Details and Precision

Skilled landscapers are able to use very specific sketches and drawings to build a Residential Landscape Design in Santa Cruz CA that the customers have requested. Many customers want a yard that is truly unique in their neighborhood and perhaps even in the wider community. They are immensely particular about the details and precision. There will be at least one customized outdoor living space along with decorative plants ranging in size from ground vines to tall trees.

Understanding Restrictions

Landscapers with a company such as K & D Landscaping, Inc. will let the customers know if there is anything in the plans that is not allowed by local or other regulations. Fences have maximum heights by law, for example. Some structures cannot be built too close to neighboring properties or to waterways if the property is situated on a pond, lake or river.

Considering Suggestions

These professionals also may make some suggestions about how to enhance the plan the customers have developed. Customers do not need to accept any of these suggestions and should definitely not feel obligated to agree. However, sometimes they may realize that an idea from the landscaper actually would be an excellent improvement.

Getting Started

With the help of a landscaping contractor, the property owners can have a yard design that conveys the concept of harmony and respect for the natural environment. They can have functional areas like vegetable gardens along with a space for native wildflowers. For more information visit K & D Landscaping, Inc..

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