Consider Cosmetic Dentistry to Enhance Your Smile

by | Nov 10, 2022 | Dental Care

If you are self-conscious about your teeth because of staining, consider cosmetic dentistry near Northbrook for treatment options. Your dentist will recommend a treatment option based on the type and extent of your dental discoloration. Here are some treatment options for both superficial and deep dental stains.

Mild Dental Stains

If you have superficial stains on your teeth from smoking or consuming highly pigmented foods and drinks, your dentist may recommend bleaching treatments. Laser bleaching is very effective in eliminating extrinsic dental stains, which are stains that are superficial.

While in-office bleaching treatments can significantly whiten your teeth, restaining can occur if you drink beverages such as red wine, coffee, and grape juice. In addition, certain medications, such as liquid iron, can also cause superficial dental staining. Consuming your liquid iron preparations through a straw can help minimize its contact with your teeth to help prevent extrinsic staining.

Deep Stains

If your teeth are discolored as a result of thinning enamel, then laser bleaching will be ineffective. When your tooth enamel becomes thin because of acid erosion, it can become transparent. If this happens, your dentin will become visible, making your teeth look like they are stained because dentin is dark yellow in color.

Your cosmetic dentist may recommend porcelain veneers to enhance your smile if you have exposed dentin or deeply embedded stains that are resistant to bleaching. Veneers are overlays or thin shells that fit over your teeth to cover imperfections.

Contact Chicago Beautiful Smiles, if you need cosmetic dentistry services near Northbrook. Visit for more information!

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