For a transgender woman, facial feminization surgery is a group of surgical procedures that can offer a more feminine appearance in the neck and face. The procedures that are used will vary based on the goal of the patient and their specific problem areas. Thousands of transwomen have chosen one or more of these procedures to feel more comfortable in their body. We’ll look at some of the most common options and what they consist of.
Tracheal Shave
Ciswomen have a neck that is often long and lacks an Adam’s Apple. Removing the cartilage that makes up the Adam’s Apple can help create a more feminine appearing neck.
Face & Neck Lift
This procedure helps make a woman’s face more feminine and it can also make her look younger. Those who have loose facial skin can benefit from this procedure, no matter the age of the woman.
Hairline Advancement
This procedure involves moving your hairline forward to provide a more feminine face. An incision is made the scalp is advanced where it may have receded. The incision is small and fades after having surgery.
Brow Lift
One of the most common procedures is the brow lift. This surgery will move your eyebrows upward into a more feminine position. The skin of the forehead is lifted, which is where the name comes from.
Since the nose is central to the face, rhinoplasty is an important procedure for many women. The shape and size of the nose can be changed by removal of tissue and altering the very tip of your nose. This can create a much more feminine appearance.
Chin Reduction
With a chin reduction, you chin is made more pointed and narrower. Sometimes a chin implant can also be used to offer a forward projection of the chin, which is common among women.
Upper Lip Lift
This is a procedure often done in tandem with the rhinoplasty. As the nose is made smaller, the distance between it and the upper lift may increase. This procedure helps to restore the distance between the two through a small incision.
Eyelid Surgery
This surgery helps with fine lines, wrinkles, and drooping eyelids, which will create a younger and more feminine appearing face.
There are other procedures, but these make up the most common. You can learn more about transgender facial feminization surgery at