How To Keep Your Child Calm Before Their First Dentist Appointment

by | Nov 2, 2019 | Dentist

A dentist appointment can be nerve-wracking for your little one, and they are going to need you to calm their fears. This is especially true if you are scheduling their first dentist appointment. Use the following tips to keep your child calm when they visit their dentist In Chandler.

Pre-Appointment Visit

There are many offices that allow you to schedule a pre-appointment visit. Your child can tour the office, meet their dentist and ask questions. Remember, their dentist knows how to discuss the check-up with your child. It gives your child a peace of mind to know what to expect before their appointment. A pre-appointment visit also gives their dentist the chance to get to know your child, so they can figure out the best way to approach them during the procedure.

Watch Your Vocabulary

The subject of their appointment is going to come up several times before they visit their dentist In Chandler. It is important to watch your vocabulary when discussing the dentist with or in front of your child. Avoid words such as “Shot,” “Pain” and “Hurt.” Those are scary words for your child, and you are only going to make them feel worse before their appointment.

Keep Your Cool

Tears and tantrums are a part of visiting the dentist with your child, and you need to keep your cool to prevent their anxiety from getting worse. Play a movie on your tablet, teach them a song about bravery or let them take a stuffed animal for comfort. Their dentist may also know techniques for calming them down, but it is important to keep your cool throughout the appointment.

If your child does not have a dentist In Chandler, Arizona Family Dental is known for its warm, professional staff.

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