If You Are Afraid Of The Dentist, Try A Sedation Dentist In Kelowna

by | Jan 24, 2024 | Dental Care

If the sound of the dentist’s drill sets you on edge, you are not alone, and a sedation dentist just might be what you need. According to dental experts, sedation dentist in Kelowna are the most popular way for people to receive oral care. Most people associate the dentist office with pain and this can cause feelings of anxiety and stress, which are symptoms of what experts call dental phobia. This fear often prevents people from seeking out the dentist for regular oral care and, often, the oral pain they are experiencing must be greater than their fear before they will visit a dentist. A growing number of dentists have begun offering what is called sedation dentistry.

When you meet with a sedation dentist in Kelowna professional, a sedation drug is given to you that will cause you to relax, without inducing sleep. It is glenmoredental.cawhile you are in this state, that the dentist will proceed with the dental work that needs to be done, and you will not feel anything that is going on in your mouth. There are different sedation methods that are used in this type of dentistry and it is important to talk with your dentist to understand any effects that can be experienced afterward. Most people do not have any serious side effects from the sedation drugs, but you will want to have someone with you who can drive you home as they can make you drowsy. The most common type of sedation method is a gas that you breathe in, and this gas is sometimes referred to as laughing gas, which allows you to feel completely relaxed during the procedure.

The biggest benefit of using a sedation dentist in Kelowna office is that you can receive the oral care you need but stay relaxed at the same time. By creating a comfortable environment, these dentists enable you to establish a regular dental care schedule so that you will not wait until you are in excruciating pain before seeking a dentist. Because you will not have to experience any pain such as numbing shots or that strange feeling when someone is scraping tartar off your teeth, you will be more likely to take advantage of dental care.

A sedation dentist in Kelowna professional will tell you that sedation dentistry is quite safe because even though you feel as if you took a nap, you actually are alert enough to catch the dentist’s attention if something is wrong. If you are nervous about using nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, you can ask your dentist for a different method such as tranquilizers, anti-anxiety drugs, or depressants.

Sedation dentist in KelownaGlenmore Dental offer a safe and comfortable Sedation Dentistry. They help patients to achieve a beautiful, healthy smile with this safe and wonderful technique.

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