What Parents Should Know and What Must Be Included in a Parenting Plan

by | Jul 8, 2019 | Lawyers and Law Firms

In the state of Florida, divorces involving children focus mainly on parenting plans. A parenting plan outlines numerous factors of raising children and will be referred to frequently after a divorce is made official. It’s important to have a parenting plan that’s tailored to the family and protects the children’s interests. Before requesting a divorce, consider the following factors related to child custody.

Shared Responsibility

As the name implies, shared responsibility requires input from both parents. With shared responsibility, both parents make decisions affecting the children’s welfare, such as healthcare, religious upbringing and education. A child custody attorney in Hollywood, FL, can provide more details.

Shared Responsibility With Authority to Make Decisions

With this type of plan, though both parents will try to agree on important decisions, one parent will retain final authority. This is often done when one parent is unstable or there have been numerous disagreements in the past.

Sole Responsibility

Once called sole custody, sole responsibility means that one parent has full authority to make decisions on the children’s behalf. This type of agreement is quite rare in the state of Florida, and it is usually given when shared responsibility would be detrimental to the child’s welfare.

Other Considerations

When creating a parenting plan, there are a few more things you should consider. Make sure you have an agreement for both weekends and weekday schedules as well as annual holidays and school breaks in the winter, spring and summer. Parenting plans should include plans for travel, education and communication between the two parents. Parents must carefully review the children’s activity schedules, school calendars, school fees and childcare information to include it in the parenting plan.

Building a fair parenting plan that’s in the children’s best interests is complicated, and in most cases, parents need help from a child custody attorney in the Hollywood, FL area. Call the firm or visit the website to learn more about the firm’s practice areas.

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