Montessori is one of the most popular methods used in pre-school education. This form of education was founded in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori. The doctor formed her theories about education after watching countless children. She became convinced that children teach themselves. Since that time, Montessori schools spread all around the world and have educated countless numbers of children. The main difference between regular school and Montessori school is that children learn using their five senses. Further, learning is tailored to each child’s pace and the child has a say in what they want to learn.
There are Child Day Care Services in Hardyston NJ that operate this way. Visit Alpine Montessori and learn more. The main focus of Montessori is helping a child discover the joy of learning. Additionally, children learn to be independent because they are taught life skills. For instance, children learn to dress themselves, cook, arrange flowers and be more active in the home. Pre-school children are encouraged to learn by experiencing things. It would not be strange to see a Montessori student feeling a model of a letter. The student learns the shape of the letter and the texture of the medium used. The teacher assesses each child based on accomplishment and behavior.
There are no academic requirements for pre-school students to attend child day care services in Hardyston NJ. However, there are requirements for children ages six and up. Many of the requirements are based on testing and other state requirements. Montessori schools go all the way through high school and from six on students sign a contract with the teacher to guide their work. Montessori students generally tackle high school classes very early. Meanwhile, pre-school programs are divided as follows:
- Infants-6 to 18 months of age
- Toddlers-18 months to three years
- Primary-three years to six years
One of the key philosophies behind a Montessori education is to allow a child to learn without negativity. Rather, the education is success-oriented because most things are self-taught. Amazingly, grade school children are encouraged to learn subjects like writing, reading, science and math at their own pace. Studies show that children who find the joy of learning at an early age are usually successful adults.