Many people justify spending a lot of money each month on car insurance. If you drive a new automobile, have young children that spend a lot of time in the car, live in a busy city or put a lot of miles on your car each year, it makes sense to have an expensive insurance policy from a major carrier with high coverage limits. If you use a car for recreational purposes only and own your car outright, have the title on a late-model car and do not want to spend a huge portion of your monthly budget on car insurance, a cheap auto insurance policy may provide you with the coverage you need.
State Requirements
Coverage in Illinois is going to be different than in other cities and states in the United States. Auto insurance coverage in Illinois will vary based on your local area, your driving record and credit history, how you plan to use your car and the coverage limits you need. Drivers who use their car for leisure and have an excellent driving history may be able to get away with having liability only for coverage. Liability-only policies offer basic property damage and medical payments if you are responsible for causing an accident that involves the disbursement of these types of payments. Any damage to your car with a liability-only policy would come out of your own pocket. These types of policies are very cheap to purchase, and they may work for someone who owns a late-model car that is not worth much money in the event it is involved in an accident.