Examining the Science Behind Metal Cutting With Laser Machines

by | Aug 5, 2019 | Printers

There are a countless number of ways to put a laser to use. One of the most common applications uses today is to cut metals. Laser machines have proven to be very accurate at cutting metal surfaces. A metal cutting machine is the perfect tool for stainless steel, mild steel and aluminum. See how laser cutting works with modern machines.

An Overview of Laser Cutting

A laser is a sophisticated tool that yields the highest cut quality possible. To achieve this, lasers use high intensity light. This beam of light is generated in a single wavelength. Part of the beam consists of an infra-red light that the human eye cannot see. Most of the beams produced by a metal cutting machine is about 3/4 of an inch in diameter. It is amazing how such a small beam can be so powerful.

In order to cut a metal surface, the beam travels down a predefined path. The beam is originated in the resonator, then travels through the beam path. Sometimes, machines have mirrors that bend the laser in a direction. In the end, the focused beam will be directed towards the metal plate. Once the beam hits the surface, the intensity causes the metal to split.

Getting the Focus

In order to focus the beam at a high intensity, it’s necessary to use a special type of lens. Usually, a curved mirror is placed near the head of the laser. The mirror helps focus the laser in a precise manner. This creates a pinpoint focus spot that contains all the energy of the beam. Thus, the density of heat at this spot is very high. The dense power heats the metal and causes it to melt. This is how a laser machine produces near perfect cut quality.

Why You Need a Laser Cutting Machine

If you are cutting any type of metal, you can benefit from using a laser cutter. Overall, lasers are reliable, energy efficient and accurate. They can also help you cut a lot faster than other methods.

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