Car insurance is designed to help drivers mitigate the financial risks and physical losses associated with an untimely automotive collision. The legal requirements for car insurance vary from state to state, with most states requiring drivers to carry at least a minimum level of coverage. In the state of Washington, drivers are required to maintain automotive insurance coverage as one of the requirements to legally operate a motor vehicle.
Washington drivers have lots of options when it comes to choosing automotive insurance. The state’s car insurance market is very competitive. No driver in the market for car insurance should be forced to pay high risk rates when there are several Affordable Car Insurance Puyallup options available. Drivers can save on monthly car insurance rates by choosing an experienced car insurance agency that offers affordable car insurance and great coverage with flexible options. Insurance for high risk drivers might even be available.
In Washington, the minimum liability insurance coverage levels required mirror those of many other states. Typically, those levels can be categorized into three levels of coverage: $25,000/$50,000/$10,000. Those levels translate to $25,000 of coverage per person for bodily injuries, a $50,000 maximum payout amount per accident paid regardless of the number of parties injured and a $10,000 of coverage per accident to be paid out for damage to someone else’s property. Higher coverage amounts are available and might even be recommended.
Higher coverage limits can decrease your financial responsibility in case of an accident. Most insurers will only pay up to the amount of your coverage limits, even if the total cost of the damages is much higher. If you are ever in a car accident and found to be at fault for the collision, you will be expected to pay for any damages that your insurer does not cover. This means that you could be on the hook for paying for the other party’s lost wages, medical bills, and damage to their vehicle or property that your insurance does not pay.
No matter the level of coverage you decide on, discount insurance agencies that offer Affordable Car Insurance Puyallup can help you keep more of your money in your pocket.