Four Essential Advantages of Hiring a Good Disability Attorney

by | Aug 30, 2019 | Law

In an ideal world, people work hard for 40 or 45 years and get substantial social security checks each month when they retire. However, you can get sick or injured before retirement age and be unable to work. If this has happened to you, it’s best to call an attorney to help you get disability benefits. With that in mind, here are several key benefits of doing just that.

Experience and Knowledge

A disability attorney in Missouri works with disability cases all day. He knows all the steps you must take to try to win disability benefits and backpay. This can include getting relevant medical forms filled out to prove better you’re disabled. Your disability attorney will also be familiar with court proceedings and knows what it takes to win with certain judges.

Initial Filing Help

The application process for Social Security disability is lengthy and comprehensive. Your disability law firm will help you fill the forms out over the phone. This will better ensure you complete the application accurately, so your case isn’t dismissed at this early stage.

Relieve Anxiety

Because it can take two to three years to settle a disability case, your disability attorney in Missouri can boost your spirits when you get discouraged. He may, for example, relate other cases he’s won where applicants had injuries or ailments like yours.

Advocate at Hearing

Disability attorneys in Missouri will serve as advocates at hearings. For example, your attorney will use your medical records at the hearing to convince the judge you can’t work. He will also defend against any arguments that suggest otherwise.

One of the best things about having a good disability lawyer is knowing he’ll do his best to help you win your disability case. You also have a much better chance of winning with a disability attorney than trying to do everything on your own.

Grundy Disability Group LLC is one of the premier disability law firms in the Kansas City area and will always work hard to get you the benefits you deserve. To learn more about Grundy Disability Group LLC and how the company can help you.

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