Are you planning to get the bathroom in your home remodeled any time soon? It would certainly be a good way of breathing new life into your old home. However, you need to plan the job properly, to ensure that it does not end in a disaster. Start by deciding what you would like to be changed in your old bathroom. This will help you to get the job done in a properly organized manner, while keeping the budget within affordable levels. Here are some suggestions:
1. Consider changing the tiles on the floor: Are the old tiles you installed 10 years back looking discolored, with cracks appearing all over the place? Then that is the place where you should start. Replacing all the tiles on the floor with new ones will give your bathroom a nice little makeover. Besides, it should not be too expensive, either. Choose from ceramic, stone, or porcelain tiles for the best effect, and be sure to choose colors that go with the décor of your bathroom.
2. Have the walls repaired and repainted: Are the walls of the bathroom showing small cracks? Is moss buildup threatening to change the color of the walls permanently? Then have the walls repaired and painted as soon as you can. You do not need to have the entire wall torn down to get this done. Simply get the cracks repaired before you get the walls painted, and you will be fine.
3. Replace the bathtub with a shower: Did the bathroom have a bathtub installed when you bought your new home? If you do not have enough time in hand for long, relaxing baths, then it makes perfect sense to replace it with a shower. Be sure to install glass shower doors and build a shower chamber to give your bathroom a great makeover. Have the shower door custom made if possible, to add a nice look to the entire setup.
4. Replace fixtures and cabinets: Are the fixtures looking corroded from constant exposure to moisture? Why not get those replaced with fixtures made of water resistant metals? Take a look at the cabinets as well. If there is mold growing on the sides, or the wood has developed a spongy texture at places due to overexposure to moisture, maybe you should get those replaced with new ones.
However, before you can get any of these tasks done, get in touch with a reputable contractor that offers services related to bathroom remodeling. Gaithersburg has many such contractors operating in the region, and that is why you should begin your search here.
Bathroom Remodeling Gaithersburg – Are you looking for a contractor for bathroom remodeling? Gaithersburg is the perfect location for you to look for such contractors, and for best services you should only trust American Bath, Inc.