How to Use Carpet Remnants Charlotte

by | Jun 5, 2013 | Home And Garden

There are many ways for creative or intrepid individuals to turn just about anything into a useful household item. Reusing and repurposing an item is not only environmentally friendly, it is also a thrifty way to save money. Recycling carpet Remnants Charlotte can give you a list of interesting projects to try. An easy use for Carpet Remnants In Charlotte is to turn them into a rug.
Carpet Remnants Charlotte are typically pieces from the end of a large roll of carpet. Because smaller pieces of carpet are less desirable than the larger cuts that can provide wall to wall coverage, the manufacturer will typically sell these at a huge discount. Some of these remnants will make a great area rug. You will need a utility or carpet knife, carpet seam sealer (glue), carpet binding tape and hot glue to finish the project.
To make a carpet remnant into a rug, first you need to trim the edges with a carpet or other type of utility knife so that the edges are clean and the carpet is the size you want. To keep your edges neat and tidy, use a right angle tool and draw cutting lines on the back of the carpet. When you make your cuts, use a yardstick to provide guidance as you cut. Remember to put down cardboard or some other type of protection under the carpet so that you do not damage the surface you are cutting on. Next, run carpet seam sealer along each edge of the carpet. Take care not to get the glue into the fibers. This will keep the carpet from unraveling. Take your carpet binding and run it along the edges of the carpet and be sure to trim away any excess that hangs over the edges. When two edges come together, seal them with hot glue or carpet glue using only a small drop of glue. Edge a line of hot glue around the carpet between the carpet edge and the inside edge of the binding. Press the two parts together to create a stronger seal with the glue is still soft.
After following these steps, your remnant should be ready to function as a rug. The glue and binding tape will keep the edges from unraveling and should provide your piece with a more finished look. Remember, a good rug can really tie a room together.

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