In my college days, I was average at sports, always in the bottom quarter for academic results but I really shone in auto shop – not so much in taking apart engines and putting them back together, my forte was in beating and welding damaged body panels or welding structural members together. Unfortunately, my college did not put much emphasis on this sort of practical work and the shop was lacking in much of the equipment needed for serious work on metals. Even with this limited equipment at my disposal, my instructor would say that I had a natural gift for joining metal pieces together. He would jokingly say that I should become one of those avant-garde metal sculptors.
Anyway, after college, I drifted around through a series of money earning but non-descript and somewhat boring jobs. Then one day, I saw an advertisement for welding equipment that made reference to instructional videos on subjects like MIG Welding Tips. Of course I knew that MIG was the abbreviation for arc welding using a Metal Inert Gas technique that required slightly more expensive equipment and consumables than the oxy-acetylene gas bottles and torch that we used at college. I was also aware that MIG welding, correctly applied would give superior results and allow for more ambitious welding. Maybe watching videos on MIG Welding Tips would teach me how to do it but, I would still be without the equipment needed to actually put what I learnt into practice.
Fortunately, I did not let this put me off and I sent for the video package. In the meantime, my boring work hadn’t been paying too badly and I did have some savings in the bank. Further investigation showed that I had sufficient funds to at least set me up with the basic equipment that I would need to be able to actually use my new knowledge on MIG Welding Tips.
That was only a couple of years ago and, already, I have quit my “day job” as they say and make more money as a mobile welder calling on homes, farms and small factories to do any welding work that they require. BBQ grills, gates, broken dredging buckets – you name it and I weld it. Not only do I give you a good price but, I am also making a reasonable living from it.
By the way, my first exhibition of welded sculptures opens next week.