Intriguing Essentials About Our Eyes and Your Community Eye Care Clinic in Stephenville, TX

by | Oct 30, 2018 | Health Care

Scientists recently confirmed that all early hominids had a brown-colored iris, and the only reason that we have the wide-ranging eye-color spectrum of today is because of a genetic anomaly that came about roughly 11,000 years ago. This implies that every blue-eyed and green-eyed person on the planet can actually be traced back to a common predecessor.

This is just one of the many fascinating particulars about our magnificent eyes, so let’s go through some other facts with a fine-tooth comb and then point out why you have to pop into your local eye care clinic in Stephenville, TX every so often.

Care Tips For Your Peepers

As a means to accentuate the indispensability of your neighborhood eye care clinic, we’ve brought together some foundational facts that you should be familiar with:

  • With effective hydration and care, a corneal abrasion can heal itself in less than two days, but most other optical disorders require sophisticated medical attention.
  • However, the latest transnational ophthalmological study established that nearly 85% of all visual illnesses and ocular afflictions are fixable if diagnosed in a reasonable timeframe – even those that can ultimately lead to sightlessness, like age-induced macular degeneration.
  • The most common test performed at an eye care clinic is the dilated eye exam, which is a pain-free process that expands your pupil so that the physician can inspect your eyes on a molecular level.

Besides scheduling a checkup every 10-12 months at an accredited eye care clinic, you also need to eat dark leafy vegetables, consume a moderate amount of fish each month, and wear UV-blocking sunglasses to support optical wellness.

Why Do I Need a Professional Eye Exam?

Eye examinations are all-inclusive, super easy to perform, and they are a bargain when compared shoulder-to-shoulder with alternative diagnostic medical tests. So be sure to bring your entire household to the Stephenville Medical & Surgical Clinic for a specialized eye health review and personal attention from an optical professional.

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