Photos on Chocolate

by | Oct 9, 2012 | Shopping

Personalized images printed in high resolution on chocolate are a memorable way to make your event a success! They are available through professional printers that custom design your chocolate and either print directly on the chocolate with specialty printers or placed on the chocolate with transfer, frosting or rice paper sheets. You can order your chocolate photo in large quantities for reasonable prices from many online retailers. You simply upload your high resolution photo and let the professionals do the work. You can also do your chocolate photo yourself with certain printers, edible inks, and edible printer sheets; however, the process can be difficult for the beginner and may end up costing more in supplies and time than simply ordering them would have.

To get your favorite pictures on chocolate yourself you need to get a printer friendly edible paper, such as wafer paper, which is made from potatoes, rice paper, or frosting sheets. The wafer and rice papers do not integrate themselves with the chocolate so they will still be a paper that is on the chocolate. Though edible, people will probably peel it off the chocolate to actually eat it. Frosting sheets, however, will melt into the chocolate leaving a smooth seam. It is advisable to use white frosting sheets for the high resolution pictures, because the darker colors will not have as sharp of a color when printed on.

Wafer paper is a starch-based edible paper, typically made from potatoes. For use with chocolate photos it is best to use thin, white flexible wafer paper for your printing. Images printed on this will be of a lesser quality than frosting sheets. It is ideal to print on for nature images, such as leaves, flowers, feathers, and butterflies. Rice paper has similar printing abilities and will also not dissolve on the chocolate, though it is easier to transfer the images onto the chocolate so it may be more desirable to use for the beginner.

Frosting sheets are thin layers of frosting on a plastic backing that can be placed onto the chocolate and will melt into it, forming a seamless high resolution image. This is the crispest of the image options and does not have the undesirable paper that does not melt into the chocolate; however, it is the most difficult to work with. When absorbed, the frosting will take on the taste, color, and consistency of the chocolate beneath it and can be cut into whatever shape or size you desire. It is important to remember to not touch the frosting because as with any frosting, it will leave a fingerprint, and once wrinkled, it is extremely difficult to salvage the piece.

Printing your own chocolate photos can be expensive and difficult if you don’t have the experience and the equipment you need. Instead, it if best to order them from a good chocolate company.

If you would like to purchase chocolate photo candy, you can visit for an excellent selection of custom chocolates!

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