If you are not sure if the deceased left a will, you need to contact a probate attorney. For example, if a loved one died and you are not sure about his or her plans for assets and cash, you need to contact an attorney now to find out where you stand.
Getting Your Questions Answered
Probate lawyers in Topeka, KS can answer all your questions about the probate process and what steps will be introduced during this difficult time. The advice of a legal representative can soothe any feelings of tension and sadness among the surviving family members. Probate is required to determine if a deceased person left a will.
Appointing an Executor
You also need to talk to probate lawyers if you want to appoint an administrator or executor. This person is a surviving family member such as an adult child or spouse or a financial firm such as a bank or trust company. The administrator administers the estate of the deceased.
Protecting the Estate of the Deceased
When you work with probate lawyers, they will assist you in protecting the estate and offer a way to convert some of the assets to cash so distribution can be made to the beneficiaries. This money will also be used to pay off creditors if necessary. You also need legal help if you wish to transfer legal ownership of property or real estate or maintain a business during the transfer period.
Probate Lasts About Six Months
It takes a good deal of time to go through probate (about six months after the deceased’s death). Therefore, you need to go to a firm that specializes in this type of legal service. Check with a law firm such as Debenham Law Office LLC. Learn more about your legal responsibilities today. The proceeding that is used for the probate process can vary. That is why you need to speak to lawyers who know everything about the subject.