Reviewing Proceedings with a Product Liability Law Attorney in Granite City, IL

by | Mar 23, 2018 | Law Firm

In Illinois, a product liability exists when a manufacturer’s negligence leads to a consumer-based injury. The injuries must occur during or after the use of the product in question. All consumers have the legal right to report dangerous products to the proper authorities. A product liability law attorney in Granite City, IL helps consumers file a legal claim after they sustain injuries.

Reporting the Product to the Authorities

The consumer reports the dangerous product to the Consumers Rights Protection Agency, a federal agency which is an authority on all products released to consumers. Their authority allows for immediate recalls for products that pose a risk to consumers. The report identifies the victim’s injuries and how they have affected them since the incident. The agency reviews the assessment and determines the next course of action.

Product Testing and Forensic Analysis

Products are tested and forensic analysis is conducted to determine what injuries are possible when using the product. If the findings support the consumer’s allegations, the agency launches an investigation against the product’s manufacturer. Any additional products that are dangerous to consumers lead to further legal action against the manufacturer.

Proper Labeling and Warnings

All manufacturers are required by law to affix warning labels on all products that present a danger to consumers. The labels must explain circumstances that produce an injury. The product instructions must explain how to use the product without sustaining injuries. Failure to use the warning labels and instructions properly is a violation of federal laws.

Liabilities of Manufacturers

Manufacturers are liable when they fail to protect consumers against dangerous products. The laws require manufacturers to test their products and correct flaws or hazards. Any hazard that occurs under certain conditions only must be explained in warning labels. If the product is excessively dangerous, the manufacturer is liable for all injuries produced.

In Illinois, product liability is linked to the use of a specific product by a consumer. The liabilities originate in the product design or due to a failure to identify a flaw during product inspections. Victims of the events should contact a product liability law attorney in Granite City, IL or get more information here now.

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