The floor rumbles. The windows shake. Neighbors rush to their windows. Did a jet fly low overhead? No. Someone merely opened the garage door. A noisy garage door can be an annoyance and quickly become the neighborhood joke, but there are a few fast fixes a homeowner can try to quiet a noisy garage door.
Got A Screw Loose?
Having a screw loose doesn’t mean you’re crazy, but it can be the culprit behind the garage door noise. Vibrations from the operation of the garage door can rattle loose the screws and bolts that secure the garage door tracks to the wall and ceiling. Check the track system as well as the door itself for loose, stripped, or broken screws or bolts. Check inside the opener around the motor also, but be sure to cut power before using a screwdriver
Garage Doors and Motors Aren’t Like Wine
Garage doors and motors don’t improve with age. For safety purposes, the industry recommends replacing any opener made before 1993. Replacing your current opener with a belt-drive motor will quell most of the noise. If the motor isn’t the problem, consider the age of your doors. Non-insulated doors can create quite the racket when they open, but there is an affordable way to insulate your door without replacing it. Install styrofoam panels available at home improvement stores to alleviate noise. Sometimes, older hinged garage doors will noisily flex or bow. An easy solution is to install struts along the width of the garage door at the joints to provide stability and eliminate the noisy flexing.
The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil
Referring to your garage door rollers rather than the complaining neighbor, your rollers may need an application of lubricant formulated specifically for garage doors (not WD40) available through any professional who services Garage Door Openers in Scottsdale, AZ. Lots of garage doors are installed with steel or plastic rollers that roll along the track system to open and close a garage door. These rollers, along with their bearings, are exposed to dirt and moisture that can eventually deteriorate the originally smooth mechanism. Newer nylon rollers are available now with sealed bearings and stainless steel components to stop garage door noise in its tracks.
For the best advice on noisy garage doors and Garage Door Openers in Scottsdale, AZ, Click Here to let Neighborhood Garage Door Service provide affordable solutions.