Warning Signs it’s Time to Look into Brakes Repair Services in Carmel, IN

by | Mar 26, 2018 | Auto Repair

A vehicle’s brakes are one of its most important components, as they allow it to stop safely. Failing brakes are extremely likely to cause a catastrophic collision, so it’s essential that any problems with brakes be addressed as soon as they occur. Read on to find out about a few warning signs that it’s time to look into Brakes Repair Services in Carmel IN as soon as possible to avoid a potentially serious accident.

Grinding Sounds

One of the first signs of brake failure that most drivers notice is a grinding sound that occurs when they press on the brakes. This sound is symptomatic of worn brake pads, and it happens when metal is grinding against metal, and the brakes are about to fail completely. The brake pads are what allows a vehicle to stop, so if they’re worn down to the point where grinding sounds are occurring, it’s time to head to an auto shop for new pads.

Spongy Brakes

Brakes that are becoming less responsive may be symptomatic of something as simple as air in the brake lines or needing new brake pads, but they may also be indicative of brake fluid leaks or even a failing brake master cylinder. If drivers must push the brake pedal almost all the way to the floor before getting any response, it’s a sign of serious trouble. Chances are the failing brake system won’t be able to do its job properly in the event that drivers must slam on the brakes to avoid a collision, so don’t put off a visit to the shop.

ABS light

The ABS light on a vehicle’s dashboard will only turn on if the car needs repairs to its anti-lock braking system. This system is equipped with sensors designed to give an early indication of trouble ahead, so if the light’s on it spells trouble. Drivers should look into Brakes Repair Services in Carmel IN as soon as possible, as addressing these problems early may make repairs less expensive.

Vibrations and Pulling

If the brake pedal is vibrating or the vehicle pulls to the left or right when the brakes are depressed, drivers should head to an auto shop for repairs as soon as possible. Visit our website to learn more about brake repairs and one local auto shop that provides them.

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