What is a VNG Test?

by | Jan 9, 2019 | Health

After a car accident, it’s common to have various physical symptoms. It’s essential for Orlando car crash survivors who are sent for a VNG test to understand the reasoning behind it. Here are a few tips to prepare you to undergo a VNG test.

1. What does VNG Stand For?

VNG stands for videonystagmography, according to EverydayHearing.com. It’s a fancy word for inner ear issues, and the test assesses whether or not you have an imbalance. Inner ear problems are hard to understand without this test since they’re invisible but can cause a lot of distress.

2. What Does a VNG Test Look For?

VNG tests are to assess the normality of the inner ear and determine if dizziness or other symptoms are present due to an imbalance. This medical test also confirms or refutes a claim that the condition may be the result of a car crash. A traumatic event can occur but the causes of the subsequent trauma the patient undergoes can remain unexplained. This test helps unravel the mystery.

3. When a VNG Test May Be Necessary

If you’ve recently been involved in a car crash and you feel dizzy or lightheaded, your attorney may send you for a VNG test to assess whether or not it’s related. Dizziness is a commonly reported symptom after being in an auto wreck and can be attributed to any number of things. Anything from emotional trauma to the physical reaction of being in a crash can cause dizziness, so verifying that it’s due to a physical abnormality is paramount if you end up in court.

VNG tests might sound scary, but in reality, it’s just there as another piece of evidence and way to treat your condition after surviving an auto accident. Medical documentation is absolutely essential if you’re trying to prove your case in court, or even if you simply want to understand the clinical aftermath of a car crash.

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