What Is Nursing Home Abuse?

by | Oct 30, 2018 | Legal Services

Nursing home facilities are supposed to be reliable places where we can take our most precious relatives for care. Unfortunately, incidents of nursing home abuse still occur every year. You may have a loved one who believes that he or she may have fallen victim to nursing home abuse. These are three examples of incidents that the law will consider as abuse:

Neglectful Behaviors

Nursing home attendants are there to make sure that the residents receive adequate food, care and medications. Any time that they do not receive such things, the facility can be subject to negligence claims. A Joliet expert in nursing home abuse can review your case and let you know if it seems that you or your loved one has experienced nursing home abuse.

Verbal or Emotional Abuse
Verbal and emotional abuse are two more straightforward violations of a person’s wellness and safety. Verbal abuse consists of but is not limited to name calling, cruel jokes, threats and so on. Emotional abuse can describe many actions such as an unnecessary silent treatment or the refusal to admit that the individual exists.

Financial Abuse
Financial abuse is another type of abuse that might occur at a nursing home facility. It’s probably not as common as the other types of abuse are, but it occurs. This abuse includes stealing the elderly person’s information and using it for their gain. It also includes scamming and coercion. For example, one worker at the facility might try to talk to an elderly person into investing in something that’s nothing but a scam.

A nursing home abuse lawyer in Joliet can help you or your family member to determine whether nursing home abuse occurred. This person can help you to fight for the compensation that you deserve if the abuse allegations are valid. Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell, P.C. is here for you if you need help with a nursing home case. You can contact them now for a consultation that will present no risk to you.

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