What to Know About Car Accident Compensation

by | Nov 13, 2018 | Law

A car accident can have a profound impact on your life and the lives of others involved in it. In some cases, you may never be able to work or otherwise enjoy a normal life again. Talking with a car accident lawyer in San Antonio Texas may make it easier to obtain compensation for damages incurred.

Compensation Helps You Meet Financial Goals

Prior to your accident, you may have made enough money to put your kids through college or pay off your home early. Your income may have allowed a spouse to focus on going to school without having to earn money on the side. A personal injury settlement can make it possible to make up for lost earnings, which means that your financial future won’t rest on an flimsy foundation.

Don’t Worry About Paying for a Personal Injury Lawyer

Your personal injury attorney will not charge you anything until after you win your case. Typically, any expenses incurred by your attorney will be included in the final bill. Legal fees and related court costs may be included in a settlement or jury award separate from money awarded to pay bills or other living expenses.

What If the Defendant Chooses to Appeal?

It is fairly common for a defendant to appeal a personal injury verdict. However, your car accident lawyer in San Antonio Texas will stick up for your rights throughout the appeal process. If there is a bright side to an appeal, it is that interest accrues on the judgment amount until it is paid out. Therefore, you could be entitled to additional compensation once the case has been resolved.

If you are looking for a quality personal injury attorney, contact the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez. This can be done by phone, in person or by going to JesseHernandezlaw.com today.

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