Who Should Consult With an Estate Planning Lawyer in Clinton, MI?

by | Mar 4, 2020 | Law Firm

Estate planning is not something that applies only to the rich. Just about everyone should prepare some sort of estate plan. For those who may think that they can get by without one, here are some examples of people who should seek help from an estate planning lawyer now rather than waiting until later.

Adults Who Are Entering the Work Force

After receiving a degree or completing training at a vocational school or through an apprenticeship, the individual is ready to enter the work force. It’s just a matter of time before the individual has some money in the bank, a house, and other assets. If an accident was to occur and the individual passed away, who would end up with those assets? Choosing to work with an estate planning lawyer in Clinton, MI, now ensures that if the unthinkable happens, there will be no doubt as to who should end up with what.

People Who Have Dependents

Whether parents or guardians to persons who are unable to take care of themselves, it’s important to make sure provisions are made for all dependents. That often means establishing trusts, designating individuals who can care for those dependents if the individual passes away, and in general making sure those loved ones remain safe and have what they need. An estate planning lawyer in Clinton, MI, can look at the individual circumstances and help create all the arrangements necessary to ensure those dependents are properly protected.

Now is the time to begin the process of estate planning. Remember that it’s always possible to update the planning as the circumstances change. In the interim, everything is in place if a serious event does take place.

Call Hermanowski Law or visit website today to request a free consultation.

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