Why Central Air Conditioning Installations in Riverside CA Make More Sense Than Smaller Cooling Devices

by | Nov 5, 2019 | Plumbing and Plumbers

Although window air conditioners and portable models are useful in certain residential environments, central Air Conditioning Installations in Riverside CA are preferable for spaces larger than a small apartment. A window or portable model might be able to cool about 1,000 sq. ft., but the devices have trouble blowing cool air to the far reaches of a home.

Dealing With Temperature Extremes

In this part of the country, the air temperature can go from comfortable and mild to what someone might call boiling hot within just an hour or two. Central Air Conditioning Installations in Riverside CA send cool air throughout the entire home through vents, including rooms on a second and third story. Smaller models have a hard time keeping up with extremes in temperature. Average daytime temperatures are in the mid-90s here in July and August.

Window and portable devices are generally more suitable for cooler climates. The exception tends to be apartments under 1,000 sq. ft. in size. Efficiency, studio and one-bedroom apartments are where this equipment is most commonly found. When these devices are used to battle high temperatures day after day for weeks on end, it’s hard on the operating system. In addition, they may actually use more in electricity because of how ineffective they are in this environment.

How Condensation Is Removed

Some portable cooling models are inconvenient because they require removal of water that has built up in a bucket, similar to a dehumidifier. Window air conditioners drip that condensation out the back onto the ground. Central air conditioning units have a tube leading from the interior equipment to a floor drain or another suitable outlet for eliminating wastewater.

Keeping Efficiency at Peak Levels

In this region, central air installation by companies providing HVAC Services makes sense for most homes. Annual maintenance provided by the technicians keeps the equipment in good working order and operating at peak efficiency so that electric bills stay as low as possible. Adding an oscillating fan or running a ceiling fan allows the household residents to keep the thermostat set a bit higher while still feeling comfortable because of the breeze.

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