Here in the United States, people who are deemed unable to hire an attorney privately due to a lack of financial wherewithal are appointed public defenders to defend them if they so choose. Although public defenders are often competent attorneys, there are a few benefits when it comes to privately hiring a criminal defense attorney in San Antonio.
Private Attorneys Make Themselves Available
One of the worst things about public defenders is that they’re consistently, chronically swamped with clients to defend. If you’ve ever had a public defender, you likely know all too well that getting a hold of them was a challenge in itself. Good private criminal defense attorneys strive to make themselves available to their clients at all times. There’s arguably nothing more comforting than being able to ask your attorney any question at virtually any time.
More Legal Tools Are at Private Attorneys’ Disposal
Although hiring an expert witness, for example, is far from free, you can expect to do so with a private criminal defense attorney. If you have a public defender, it’s highly unlikely that they will want to bring experts to court and pay for other expensive but helpful criminal defense tools.
Hiring Privately Means You Choose Who You Want
When it comes to being appointed a public defender, you usually don’t get to choose your own attorney. Unless the public defender does you serious wrong, you’re going to be stuck with them. When hiring private criminal defense lawyers in San Antonio, Texas, you can choose from an attorney who’s willing to take on your case.
We Can Help You
Having trouble picking from the many criminal defense lawyers in San Antonio, Texas? Reach out to our team at the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez to see if we fit together well. Visit us online at.